Selling 150 Yearling SimAngus Bulls Private Treaty Annually

AVAILABLE NOW: 50 SimAngus Replacement Females, available first-come, first-served

“Three decades of proven sires are evident in the cattle that 7UP takes pride in as their passion. Their dedication to AI breeding to create multiple half, three-quarters, and near full sibs in the sale bulls and the cow herd stands out. As you evaluate the bulls this year, I hope you see the sire grouping that best fits your goals. I found multiple brothers that were impressive. If you were looking for CE and MUSCLE, or if your needs center around breeding cows for total performance, growth, and power, the bulls are available. The high forage-based diet will allow you to find the bulls in moderate flesh and sound for your western range conditions. I know you will enjoy evaluating bulls and visiting with 7UP in your next buying decision.”


EPD and Index Quick Reference

We aim to provide our customers with as many tools as possible to assist in the decision-making process. We’re proud to run all of our cattle through the American Simmental Association genetic evaluation as well as the Leachman Cattle evaluation. The amount of data can be overwhelming, click the above guide for a quick guide on the EPDs and indexes provided.

Yearling Bull Data

Click the link above to view a PDF file of the sale offering of our 2023-born yearling bulls.

Visitors welcome anytime!

Come have a look at our females calving now to see what these sires can do for your breeding program!

We aim to provide our customers with as many tools as possible to assist in the decision-making process. We have continued to evaluate our cattle through the Leachman database in addition to the American Simmental Association database. As you look through you will find lots of red and gold color coding in the data to indicate bulls ranked greater than the top 1% across all breeds in the genetic evaluation – take a close look, particularly in the $Profit and $Feeder indexes.

  • We couldn't do this without you, our loyal customers.

    Terry & Debby,

    We wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your bull program. After using your bulls for several years and adding bred 7UP females, we now have daughters in their prime production years. The benefit is incredible! The 700 calves we weaned this fall weighed 70# more than we have ever raised! Another equally fantastic bonus is the pregnancy rate, which was 98%! To get that performance rate in our high desert environment is truly remarkable!

    We can't thank you enough. Keep up the great work!

    Sincerely, Mike & Melinda Davis
    Kueny & Arock Ranches
    Fields, OR

“I have been around and sold thousands of 7UP sired feeder cattle. They are always consistent, growthy, and a favorite of buyers.”